Thursday, October 24, 2019

5 Maths Gems #30

Hi in addition to welcome to my 30th gems post. This is where I part unopen to of the best teaching ideas I've seen on Twitter.

1. Construction Comics
Back inward Gems 4 I featured Paul Collins' (comic resources for teaching constructions. In his post he suggests unopen to opportunities to role these resources inward the classroom.
One of Paul Collins' structure comic strips 
I haven't taught constructions this twelvemonth therefore I've non nonetheless had a peril to role these resources, or the awesome Gems 21).

I loved the function shared yesteryear my namesake Mrs Morgan (@em0rgan) on Twitter this week. She asked her students to do their ain structure comic strips for homework. The results facial expression excellent. I'm non ordinarily a fan of homeworks similar this because they're therefore fourth dimension consuming (both for students to attain in addition to teachers to mark) in addition to oftentimes they don't add together much value. But inward this instance I intend at that spot is value inward students learning the procedures yesteryear documenting the steps, inward add-on to practising the constructions.
2. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Level Resources
Thanks to @OxfordEdMaths for sharing a fix of excellent A degree assessments for C1 - C4, D1, D2, FP1, FP2, M1, M2, S1 in addition to S2. It tin move difficult to discovery sources of skilful Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 degree questions. These gratis resources are going to move incredibly helpful side yesteryear side twelvemonth for theme assessments, homeworks or revision.
Speaking of Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 degree resources, do banking enterprise gibe out the website 0a explains: Calculus (with pics in addition to gifs) -thanks to @mathhombre in addition to @solvemymaths for sharing this. I honey the pictures in addition to gifs on this website - they mightiness assist teachers explicate concepts inward calculus.

3. Homework Expectations
I've only discovered from Bon Crowder - it's total of creative ideas, unopen to of which I innovation to characteristic inward hereafter gems posts. One persuasion that I spotted was a 'How to Write Your Math Homework' guide. I'm going to brand a version of this for my novel classes inward September. I can't complain nearly my students' function non coming together my expectations if I haven't made those expectations clear from the outset.
4. Talk a Mile a Minute
Steve Wyborney (@SteveWyborney) shared his Talk a Mile a Minute Vocabulary Activity. The video below describes the action inward detail. It involves students describing sets of words to their partner in addition to therefore discussing what those words relate to. I intend this would move a nifty action for an halt of twelvemonth lesson. Have a facial expression at Steve's post for resources. If you're looking for words for this action therefore try this Vocabulary Checklist for Key Stage 3.  
5. Activities
I've seen unopen to lovely activities in addition to questions on Twitter this week.

@MathedUp shared this 'Negative numbers code-breaker action amongst a twist'.

@DJUdall shared this action which links solving equations amongst surface area in addition to perimeter.

@DJUdall too shared a enquiry he made which combines Pythagoras' Theorem in addition to Standard Form. 
The latter 2 resources were shared during concluding Sunday's #mathsTLP. This is a nifty identify for maths teachers to collaborate. Do bring together inward on Sundays at 7pm to inquire for assist amongst lessons or to offering ideas.

Because my examine classes are directly on report move out I had fourth dimension to innovation unopen to actually overnice lessons this week. With my Year 10s I did a lesson on similar triangles using resources from the Mathematics Assessment Project. They had to variety viii pairs of triangles into 'similar', 'not similar' or 'can't tell', drawing on their noesis of angle facts. This project is a lot harder than it sounds in addition to takes nearly 45 minutes to complete. I actually recommend it - here's an instance of the function they produced therefore y'all tin consider what it involves.
I talked to all my students nearly palindromic numbers this calendar week (I remembered to holler it every fourth dimension I wrote the appointment on the board, because the dates were palindromic when written inward the format m/dd/yy). Although many of my students could compass me an instance of a give-and-take that is the same forwards in addition to backward (eg racecar), most were non familiar amongst the give-and-take palindrome.

Those of y'all who role Gems 10) for formative assessment volition move pleased to listen that y'all tin directly insert pictures. For instance y'all mightiness desire to insert questions from

That's it from me for now, but at that spot volition move unopen to other gems post shortly because there's been loads of nifty materials on Twitter lately. Wish me luck amongst my concluding calendar week at my electrical flow school! My novel project starts later half-term.

I'll move out y'all amongst this GCSE resource by thornn on TES (shared by @eggarsmaths on Twitter) which y'all mightiness discovery useful for concluding infinitesimal examine tips over the coming weeks.