Friday, October 25, 2019

Linear Graphs

One of the topics that my pupils fighting amongst the most, from Key Stage iii correct through to Year 12, is linear graphs.

My brilliant Year 11s know the dominion for finding the slope of a perpendicular line, but can't operate out how to respond a GCSE interrogation similar this:
Strangely, I learn this differently at GCSE too Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 level.  At GCSE my pupils write down
y = mx + c
too substitute values for y, thousand too x, too thus solve for c.  Whereas at Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 marker my pupils utilization the equation
y - y1 = m(x - x1)
Essentially the same method but a slightly dissimilar approach. Perhaps I should hold out to a greater extent than consistent too innovate the 'A marker method' at GCSE. I'd similar to remove heed what other teachers do.

In this postal service I’ll advise closed to ideas too resources for didactics linear graphs.

Key words
Let's showtime amongst the basics. There's a lot of novel vocabulary inward coordinate geometry, closed to of which pupils volition accept encountered at primary school. This is a overnice vocabulary noesis survey every bit suggested inward my earlier post

Here's a overnice play a trick on for remembering the words parallel too perpendicular (this could hold out helpful for spellings - parallel is oftentimes misspelt): 

too this activity is suitable for Year six or 7. 

Introducing the shape y = mx + c
I'd unremarkably showtime this topic inward Year seven or 8 amongst plotting conduct work graphs (Teachit Maths provides an excellent Drawing Straight Line Graphs booklet for this purpose), before exploring the shape y = mx + c.

This topic provides an splendid chance for pupil investigation using Desmos. Use a worksheet to guide pupils through the lesson:

Once pupils are able to translate the values of thousand too c too thus they tin endeavour this exercise or this true/false activity (both from Teachit Maths also has a overnice 'Understanding y = mx+c' worksheet and two activities on horizontal too vertical lines.

My weblog postal service 'All nigh gradient' features ideas too resources for didactics slope (the postal service focuses mainly on real-life applications of the concept of steepness, but also features links to slope worksheets too activities).

Understanding parallel too perpendicular gradients
So here's the primal data that pupils demand to understand:

If they know how to operate out a slope every bit 'rise over run' (or equivalent) too thus pupils should hold out able to derive the 'negative reciprocal' dominion for perpendicular gradients from an activeness similar this ane from MathsPad.

Here's a few activities for a lesson on perpendicular lines:

Bringing it all together
When students written report linear graphs at AS level, they don't actually acquire anything novel - my GCSE pupils should accept the necessary skills too noesis to respond C1 coordinate geometry questions. I gave my Year xi pupils questions 5 - seven from this AS worksheet final twelvemonth - it took them ages to respond each question, but they were for sure capable. Essentially it's merely the wording of the questions that throws them.

Here's closed to to a greater extent than recommended resources suitable for GCSE students:

Finally, fun for puzzle-lovers in linear relationships sudoku and a overnice Key Stage iii Christmas activeness on plotting linear graphs from Teachit Maths - Mistletoe too Lines.

Finally, always wondered which countries utilization y = mx + c annotation too which countries utilization something different? Check out this map.