Friday, September 6, 2019

How To Effectively Instruct Solving Equations

Do yous experience similar yous are constantly pedagogy too re-teaching how to solve equations?  Try this procedure too spotter your students' eyes lite upward amongst understanding.  

Teaching mathematics should accept the shape of concrete -> symbolic -> abstract.  If yous but fountain correct into pedagogy abstractly yous volition non accomplish all of your students.  In this post I volition review how yous tin accept solving equations through these iii steps.  I induce got used this procedure inwards my classroom, too it has proved to be very effective.

I volition choke through this procedure amongst the equation x - iii = 10

Before going through the procedure emphasize the pregnant of the equal sign.  Many students volition yell back that the equal sign agency "the respond is".  Teach that the equal signs agency that both sides are the same.  Many teachers relate this to a scale, which is a neat visual.  The scale volition choke unbalanced if yous only add together or subtract from 1 side of the equal sign.

To concretely solve this equation induce got students purpose Algebra tiles.  Tip:  Have students circle the damage separately, this volition help them to non survive confused amongst the signs.  Hopefully yous induce got already talked well-nigh the additive inverse when pedagogy integers, if not, learn this property.  Tell students they tin add together or subtract anything from both sides until the variable is alone. 

Now yous volition motility to drawing symbols for the tiles.  I oft nevertheless allow students purpose the tiles if they involve it to conduct them inwards their thinking. I volition induce got them describe a symbol for each tile.  Many students showtime past times truly drawing the blocks, but they shortly alter to but writing the "1" or "-1". 

Next yous volition motility to abstract.  Instead of writing "1  1  1" students volition write "+3".

One to a greater extent than tip:  ALL students should showtime at the concrete level.  Allow students to motility through the progression of concrete, symbolic, abstract at their ain pace.  Allowing students to accept they fourth dimension they involve at each marking volition help students to educate a deep agreement of the mathematics.  

This post is likewise featured on the TpT Blog