Tuesday, August 14, 2012

How To Instruct Percents Together With Thence They Stick

Using bar models to learn percents of whole or to calculate the whole given the percent as well as occupation is a real effective agency to learn percents conceptually. When introducing this way, I highly advise starting off alongside percents that are divisible past times 5.  You tin eventually exercise whatsoever percent alongside combinations of 5% as well as 1% equally a 10th of 10%, but start off simple.

Let's await at percents of a whole.

An entire bar volition correspond the whole.  Draw the bar as well as label the whole.

Then yous demand to separate upwardly the bar based on the given percentage.  50% would hold upwardly inwards half.  20% would hold upwardly divided into fifths.  30% would hold upwardly divided into tenths.  Use guiding questions to aid your students intend of how to separate the bar. If they are stuck, e'er dividing it upwardly into tenths or fifths should work, equally long equally yous are using percentages that are divisible past times 5.  

Next yous demand to separate the whole upwardly into that many sections.  Again, occupation guided questions to aid your students figure out how to exercise this.  They should come upwardly to the decision that the whole divided past times the set out of parts is the sum per section.  Write that sum inwards each of the sections.

Lastly, decide how many sections yous demand for the given percentage.  The students should already know what percent is each department from the kickoff step.  After the set out of sections is determined, I similar to color the sections inwards on my bar hence students tin visually run into the per centum of the whole.  They tin as well as hence decide the occupation past times looking at the value of the full colored sections. 

Bar models tin likewise hold upwardly used alongside finding the whole given a occupation as well as a percent equally good equally finding the percent given the occupation as well as whole.  

Let me simply set this disclaimer on this method:  Doing percents alongside bar models may direct maintain a lot of move at first.  Each job volition direct maintain longer than if yous simply gave your students an algorithm.  This is how it is alongside to a greater extent than or less conceptual teaching.  However, I know that equally yous learn conceptual at first, as well as direct maintain the fourth dimension to direct maintain the math brand feel to the students, they volition retain the information, as well as inwards turn, yous won't direct maintain to exercise all of the extra review at the end.

If yous are interested inwards the chore cards used inwards the photos yous tin larn them HERE