Thursday, November 7, 2019

Exemplar Problems Constructions Degree 10

Exemplar Problems Areas Related To Circles Bird 10

Exemplar Problems Surface Areas Together With Volumes Flat 10

4 Weights Problem

Find four weights past times which nosotros tin sack stair out whatever weight upto xl Kg. [1kg, 2kg, 3kg, 4kg etc]


4 Weights Work Solution


Using digits 1, 3, 9, 27  and symbols + or -, nosotros tin croak xl inwards the next way
1 = 1
2= 3-1
4= 3+1
5= 9- (3+1)
6 = ix – 3
7 = 9+1-3
8 = 9-1
10= 9+1
11= 9+3-1
12= 9+3
13= 9+3+1
14= 27 – (9+3+1)
15= 27- (9+3)
16= 27+1-(9+3)
17= 27- (9+1)
18= 27-9
19= 27+1-9
20= 27+3- (9+1)
21= 27+3- 9
22= 27+1+3-9
23= 27- (3+1)
24= 27-3
25= 27+1-3
26= 27-1
27= 27
29= 27+3-1
30= 27+3
31= 27+3+1
32= 27+9- (3+1)
33= 27+9-3
34= 27+9+1- 3
35= 27+9-1
36= 27+9
37= 27+9+1
38= 27+9+3-1
39= 3+9+27
40= 1+3+9+27

Mathematics Movement

Srinivas Ramanujan, the keen Indian mathematician, occupies a unique pose inwards history of mathematics. Despite of all challenges, he rose to move i of the most outstanding creative mathematicians of modern times. His operate continues to engage the attending of peak researchers inwards mathematics all over the world. He was born on 22nd Dec 1887, this yr 2012 is  S. Ramanujan’s 125th nativity anniversary. So every bit a tribute to our keen Indian Mathematician, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh declares 2012 every bit “National Year of Mathematics”.
In this consider a three days workshop for students together with teachers volition move held at SDPS, Pitampura from 26 July to 28 July 2012. I am glad to move a business office of Mathematics Movement.

Objectives of Programme:
1.       To select radical changes inwards the mental attitude of people, the agency they intend nearly Mathematics together with Mathematics education.
2.       To withdraw fearfulness of mathematics from mutual man.
3.       To amend pedagogical effectiveness inwards teaching of Mathematics.
4.       To inculcate reasoning every bit habit together with the might to perceive a province of affairs from a multidimensional perspective.
5.       To educate the feel of appreciating whatever Mathematical concept from its application betoken of thought along amongst its pure mathematical individual together with abstractness.
6.        To select dorsum the glory of Indian contribution past times familiarizing the people amongst Vedic mathematics together with past times highlighting the link betwixt Vedic together with modern Mathematics.
7.       To render 24×7 back upwards to teachers, students together with parents through online together with offline platforms.
8.       To usage online platform to teachers together with students to create, collaborate, share, acquire together with to displace together to select progressive changes inwards mathematics education.
9.       To educate Mathematics resources pump for all.

For details catch the website.

68 Coins Problem

Arranged 64 coins of same radii, r cm each, inward a 16r x sixteen r space. Can y'all conform iv to a greater extent than coins inward the same space? How?

68 Coins Occupation Solution

Arranged 64 coins of same radii, r cm each, inward a 16r x xvi r space. Can y'all conform four to a greater extent than coins inward the same space? How?


A Poesy Form On Maths A Challenge

Yesterday i of my schoolhouse pupil came to me in addition to shared her self composed poesy form om her feelings regarding Mathematics. Shreeya composed it when she was inwards bird 8. 

Pythagorean Foursquare Spiral

Start alongside a foursquare cutting out of length a units. Using Pythagoras theorem the length of side of side past times side foursquare volition hold out sqrt( (a-1)^2 + 1). Proceeding inwards this agency cutting the squares of desirable sides in addition to glue them every moment shown inwards the picture.

Maximise The Ability Of Your Brain

What is a heed map?
• Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 heed map is a diagram used to stand upward for words, ideas, tasks or other items linked to in addition to arranged roughly a key key give-and-take or idea.
 • In a heed map data is structured inwards a trend that resembles much to a greater extent than closely how our encephalon truly works.
• The organization of a heed map reflects the trend your ain encephalon organizes ideas.
 • It is an action that is both analytical in addition to artistic. You tin reverberate on your ideas.
 • It engages your encephalon inwards a much, much richer way, helping inwards all its cognitive functions.
 • It is fun in addition to engrossing!
 Mind mapping inwards education
 • One tin meliorate analyze, comprehend, synthesize, holler back in addition to generate novel ideas.
• Mind Mapping is an of import technique that improves the trend yous stimulate got notes, in addition to supports in addition to enhances your creative occupation solving.
 • By using Mind Maps, yous tin apace lay in addition to empathize the construction of a dependent area in addition to the trend that pieces of data lucifer together, equally good equally recording the raw facts contained inwards normal notes.
• You tin utilization it for learning, brainstorming, memorizing, visual thinking in addition to occupation solving
• It is likewise useful for summarizing information, consolidating data from unlike interrogation sources, thinking through complex problems in addition to presenting data inwards a format that shows the overall construction of your subject.
 Who started it? The claim to the rootage of the heed map has been made yesteryear a British pop psychology author, Tony Buzan

Song On Srinivasa Ramanujan

In 1887, inwards the town of Kumbakonam
H5N1 infant boy, Ramanujan, was born.
His mom knew inwards her heart,
From the stars she could chart,
This was no ordinary mind.
The man child grew as well as played,
While the woman parent sat as well as prayed,
Namagiri give us guidance as well as strength.
With each passing year,
It grew increasingly clear
This was no ordinary mind.
The teachers at school,
Didn’t know what to do
With this immature man, as well as thus many years ahead.
One gave him a math mass past times Carr –
5000 equations to explore.
For improve or worse, a approving may live a curse.
He lost involvement inwards everything simply math.
His notebooks filled with formulas
that no i had conceived;
simply his college courses suffered,
as well as thus he was asked to leave.
His woman parent arranged him a marriage
To eleven-year onetime Janaki.
Now he had to beg for a job
To feed his novel family.
Boarded a develop outflow for Madras
Leaving his family, his novel wife, far behind.
Showed his notebook to Inida’s brightest
Hoping to find, at last, to a greater extent than or less other brilliant mind.
Someone who’d understand… his math…The math was equally good far higher upward them
And as well as thus his spirits sank.
They had no means to determine
Was he a genius or a crank?
And as well as thus he sent out letters
To those who mightiness understand
Twas Hardy who finally recognized
The brilliance of this man.
He’d flora person to understand… his math…
Boarded a ship, outflow for Cambridge
Leaving his country, his people, as well as thus far behind.
Thus began math’s nearly famous collaboration,
Between these 2 extraordinary minds.
Hardy welcomed him to Cambridge.
Helping his talent to get got wing.
But with his skills at that topographic point was a weakness:
He had never learned how to bear witness things.
Ramanujan’s conjectures were ingenious
Despite all the gaps inwards his knowledge.
With Hardy supplying the details as well as proofs,
The results were astounding.
His insights on continued fractions,
Primes, as well as diverging series
Dazzled the best mathematicians,
Alluding to build novel theories.
And with each novel newspaper he published,
He was i stride closer to fame,
Fulfilling his clandestine desire,
That the the world would yell upward his name.
Srinivasa Ramanujan (4x)
Cut off from his domicile as well as his loved ones,
He felt an astute isolation.
The honour he had earned from his colleagues
At times seemed a minor consolation.And with England weather condition as well as thus dreary,
His trunk was wasting away.
While hospitalized for consumption,
The majestic social club honored his name.
Srinivasa Ramanujan (8x)
In 1919, his wellness was as well as thus poor,
It was finally fourth dimension to build the journeying home.
To pass his concluding days inwards the town of Kumbakonam,
With the bride he’d hardly known.
The lastly twelvemonth of his life,
While nursed past times his wife,
He recorded 600 novel ideas.
To this real day, 
His notebooks remain
H5N1 origin of equations to explore.
And i thing’s for sure,
Though his life was cutting short,
The the world volition yell upward his name.

Source:      Words as well as Music past times Mark Engelberg

National Ict Accolade For 2010

It is a nifty accolade for me getting felicitated yesteryear hon'ble President of Republic of Republic of India Sh. Pranab Mukherjee amongst National ICT Award on September 5, 2012 at Vigyan Bhawan. I give cheers God for approving me amongst this 2nd inwards my life. I sincerely limited my gratitude to Principal Mrs Pammi Datta for her guidance, encouragement, motivation, organized faith as well as support. I convey never ever seen a sort human beingness similar her. I give cheers my respectable parents, relatives as well as friends for ever supporting me as well as helping me. I am thankful to everyone who said yes! as well as said no!. Whatever I am is all because of experiences whether adept or bad. Students are my forcefulness as well as energy. I limited sincere regards to all my teachers who taught me my lessons. My sincere cheers to all those who are reading this post. You convey played a pregnant purpose inwards my making every bit an e teacher. Thank you.

Activity: Angle Essence Holding Of A Triangle

scout this video

Making A Spiky Cuboctahedron

Learn to brand a spiky cuboctahedron. It is real easy.

Paper Folding Is Fun!!!

It was an scheme catamenia inwards flat 7D. I asked the students to brand anything of their selection using newspaper folding. Name it creatively , write 2 sentences on it in addition to await for Mathematics... It was a surprise for me to run across this outcome. Watch these videos:

Getting A Skillful Order Inwards Mathematics

It is regarding getting a proficient seat inwards Mathematics:
1. Listen to teacher's didactics inwards the classroom.
2. It is a misconception that Mathematics tin hold out learnt inwards few days. It is a bailiwick which requires a lot of pampering. Love the subject, it volition honour you. Ignore it, it volition refuse you. :)
3. Give a regular fourth dimension for practicing problems. Self exercise is essential. Your instructor or tutor ma
y hold out real good, but yous volition acquire a proficient seat past times your ain efforts. PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE
4. There are only about questions which demand only about play a joke on to hold out used inwards a particular manner. Put a * on those questions as well as cash inwards one's chips on on practicing them later only about fourth dimension otherwise yous volition forget the technique.
Beta, mehnat to karni padti hai kuch bhi pane ke liye. To ghabrana kis liye.

Making A Flight Bat Using Newspaper Folding

Students of class 9B Harshit together with Ekansh demonstrated inward the class steps of making a flight bat using newspaper folding techniques. They explained it together with then well. I am proud of them. Watch this video.

Making A Newspaper Ball Using Newspaper Folding

Students of flat 9B (2012-13)demonstrated their newspaper folding skills. Aryan as well as Harshit explained the steps of making a newspaper ball using this techniques. I am happy to run into their confidence as well as the manner they limited their knowledge. Watch this video:

Making A Flight Dragon Past Times Newspaper Folding

Students of degree 9B(2012-13) demonstrated their science of making crafts using newspaper folding. Vansh Kumar explained the steps of making a flight dragon. He was the outset ane to come upward together with demonstrate. I am happy to encounter his confidence together with expression. Watch this video.

Worksheet I Arithmetics Progression Class10

Worksheet Ane Quadratic Equations

Click on the link given below to persuasion this worksheet

  Worksheet i Quadratic equations

Worksheet Ii Arithmetics Progression Cast 10

Worksheet Iii Arithmetics Progression Degree 10

Assignment Ane Linear Equations Inward 2 Variables Bird 9

Assignment 2 Linear Equations Inwards 2 Variables Flat 9

1. The graph of equation y-x = 0 passes through:
• 1st quadrant too third quadrant
• 1st quadrant too sec quadrant
• 1st quadrant too fourth quadrant
• sec quadrant too third quadrant

2. The graph of equation ten = iii passes through:
• 1st quadrant too third quadrant
• sec quadrant too fourth quadrant
• 1st quadrant too fourth quadrant
• sec quadrant too third quadrant

3. The graph of equation y = 2x passes though:
• 1st quadrant too third quadrant
• 1st quadrant too sec quadrant
• sec quadrant too fourth quadrant
• sec quadrant too third quadrant

4. The graph of equation –y = ten passes though:
• 1st quadrant too third quadrant
• sec quadrant too fourth quadrant
• 1st quadrant too fourth quadrant
• sec quadrant too third quadrant

5. The graph of equation y + 2x = 0 passes through:
• 1st quadrant too third quadrant
• sec quadrant too fourth quadrant
• 1st quadrant too fourth quadrant
• sec quadrant too third quadrant

6. The graph of equation ten – 2y = 0 passes through:
• 1st quadrant too third quadrant
• sec quadrant too fourth quadrant
• 1st quadrant too fourth quadrant
• sec quadrant too third quadrant

7. The graph of equation 3x + 2y = vii passes through:
• 1st quadrant, sec quadrant too third quadrant
• 1st quadrant, sec quadrant too fourth quadrant
• 1st quadrant, third quadrant too fourth quadrant
• sec quadrant, third quadrant too fourth quadrant

Assignment I Quadrilaterals Flat 9

Worksheet I Coordinate Geometry Flat X

Worksheet Ii Coordinate Geometry Class X

Worksheet I Circles Degree 10

Worksheet Ii Quadratic Equations

Worksheet Ii Circles Shape 10

Worksheet Ane Areas Of Parallelograms As Well As Triangles Class 9

Problem Solving Assessment Psa

 The Board (CBSE) is planning to initiate a `Problem Solving Assessment’ (CBSE- PSA) for students of Classes IX in addition to XI from the moment term of this session 2012-13.
 The features of the `Problem Solving Assessment’ (CBSE-PSA) volition move equally follows:
 1. It volition move compulsory for all students of Classes IX in addition to XI in addition to deport xc marks. There volition move threescore items of MCQ type.
 2. There is no specific syllabus for `Problem Solving Assessment’ (CBSE-PSA). It volition assess the next areas:-
 Quantitative Reasoning
 Qualitative Reasoning
  Language Conventions
 3. The items volition contain aspects of 21st Century Skills (Creative Thinking, Decision Making, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, in addition to Communication) that Pb to success at Secondary Stage. They would move assessing student’s might to process, translate in addition to exercise data rather than assessing student’s prior plain of report affair knowledge.
 4. The Assessment inwards linguistic communication volition contain items that volition assess grammar, usage, vocabulary inwards context in addition to passage-completion.
 5. The items inwards Problem Solving Assessment’ (CBSE-PSA)will move designed inwards such a vogue in addition to thus equally to meliorate the generic in addition to higher lodge thinking skills. This volition likewise effect inwards improving scores within the center schoolhouse subjects.
 6. All items volition move prepared inwards Hindi in addition to English.
 7. The `Problem Solving Assessment’ (CBSE-PSA) volition move held on fourteen Feb 2013 (Thursday) from 10.00 AM to 11.30 AM 
8. The `Problem Solving Assessment’ (CBSE-PSA) volition move counted towards FA-4 which is 10% of full assessments of Class IX. This assessment volition likewise move carried frontward towards the FA-4 inwards Class X.This score volition move reflected inwards 1 Language (English or Hindi), Mathematics, Science in addition to Social Science w.e.f the session 2012- 2013 for Class IX in addition to 2013 – fourteen for Class X. The same score volition move reflected inwards FA- four for shape IX in addition to Class X.
 9. The students volition accept the selection to meliorate their PSA Score inwards Class X, equally they tin sit down for the attempt amongst Class IX students of the Session 2013-2014 inwards Jan – Feb 2014. The best scores volition move reflected inwards the in conclusion certificate inwards illustration of those applying for improvement. Problem Solving Assessment (PSA)
 10. Three parts of the newspaper volition include Quantitative reasoning : which includes the reasoning seen inwards the Humanities, Arts in addition to Social Sciences Qualitative reasoning : which includes the kinds of reasoning flora inwards Mathematics in addition to Science Language Conventions: which includes dissimilar aspects of written communication (e.g. grammar, vocabulary etc.)
 11. The Class XI students volition conk a certificate on the `Problem Solving Assessment’ (CBSE-PSA).
 12. No assort registration for PSA is required. Students already registered for shape IX in addition to XI amongst the Board are eligible for this attempt in addition to volition exercise same registration unwrap for PSA. There is no assort whorl unwrap required for this purpose.
 13. There volition move a unmarried query newspaper roofing qualitative reasoning, quantitative reasoning in addition to linguistic communication conventions equally per the details given inwards the before circulars. The OMR reply canvass to move used for answering the questions volition move kept within the query newspaper booklet.
 14. Sample query newspaper for PSA volition move made available on Board’s website yesteryear in conclusion calendar week of November, 2012. You may download this material.
 The data is available on CBSE's official Website.

Support Textile For Course Of Education 9 For Cbse Psa Past Times Doe

Supporting Cloth For Cbse Psa For Shape Xi Past Times Doe

Quantitative Reasoning Worksheet 1

Choose the right answer

1.Euler’s formula for convex surface is
V + F = east + 2, where V=vertices, F=faces in addition to E= edges

If seat out of faces inwards a cuboid are 6, seat out of vertices are 8, hence seat out of edges volition be
(a) 12               (b)14               (c)10              (d)8

2. H5N1 waiter's salary consists of his salary in addition to tips. During i calendar week his tips were 5/4 of his salary. What fraction of his income came from tips?
a) 4/9               b) 5/4               c) 5/8            d) 5/9

3. Three friends had dinner at a restaurant. When the neb was received, Amita paid 2/3 equally much equally Veena paid in addition to Veena paid 1/2 equally much equally Tanya paid. What fraction of the neb did Veena pay?
a) 1/3               b) 3/11            c) 12/31          d)   ⅝

4. If H5N1 finishes a slice of operate inwards 10 days hence 1 hateful solar daytime operate of H5N1 volition be-
a) 1                  b) 1/10            c) 1/5              d) ½

5. If 5:4 = x:20 hence x volition be

a) xvi                 b) v                c) 4                 d) 25
6. In a metropolis 40% of the adults are illiterate piece 85% of the children are literate. If the ratio of the adults to that of the children is 2:3, hence what per centum of the population is literate?
a) twenty                 b) 25              c) fifty                d) 75

7. A, B, C, D in addition to east play a game of cards. H5N1 says to B,"If you lot compass me 3 cards, you lot volition convey equally many equally east has in addition to if I compass you lot 3 cards, you lot volition convey equally many equally D has." H5N1 in addition to B together convey 10 cards to a greater extent than than what D in addition to east together have. If B has 2 cards to a greater extent than than what C has in addition to the full seat out of cards endure 133, how many cards does B have?
a) 22                b) 23                c) 25             d)  35

8. There are deer in addition to peacocks inwards a zoo. By counting heads they are 80. The seat out of their legs is 200. How many peacocks are there?
a) twenty                b)30                 c) fifty             d) 60

9. H5N1 begetter is forthwith 3 times equally former equally his son. Five years back, he was iv times equally former equally his son. The historic menstruum of boy inwards years is
a) 12               b)15                 c) xviii             d) 20

10. If + agency 'divided by', - agency 'added to', x agency 'subtracted from' in addition to / agency 'multiplied by', hence what is the value of 24 / 12 - xviii + ix ?
a) -25 b) 0.72 c)15.30 d) 290

Qualitative Reasoning Worksheet 1

Alka is older than Mala. Gopal is older than Mala but younger than Alka. Kapil is younger than Ram together with Mala. Mala is older than Ram.

1. Whose historic catamenia is betwixt Gopal together with Ram?
a) Mala        b) Kapil         c) Alka          d) none of these
2. Whose historic catamenia is betwixt Mala together with Kapil?
a) Gopal       b) Ram          c) Alka         d) None of these
3. Whose historic catamenia is just inwards the midpoint of all five?
a) Mala        b) Gopal         c) Ram         d) Alka
4. Who is the eldest?
a) Alka          b) Mala          c) Kapil        d) Gopal
5. Who is the youngest?
a) Mala          b) Ram          c) Alka         d) Kapil

Read the given statements together with response the given questions:-
Neena, Madhu together with Payal tin flaming play Tabla.
Neena, Madhu, Salma tin flaming play guitar.
Neena, Salma, Seema tin flaming dance.
Seema, Neena, Madhu tin flaming sing.

1. Who tin flaming play guitar, trip the low-cal fantastic toe together with sing?
a) Neena      b)Seema     c)Madhu      d)Salma
2. Who tin flaming trip the low-cal fantastic toe together with sing but tin flaming non play guitar ?
a) Neena     b)Seema      c)Salma       d)Madhu
3. Who tin flaming play guitar together with sing but tin flaming non dance?
a)Payal        b)Madhu       c)Salma     d)Neena
4. Who tin flaming play guitar, trip the low-cal fantastic toe together with sing together with play Tabla?
a)Payal        b)Neena       c)Madhu     d)Seema
5. Who tin flaming play Tabla only?
a)Payal       b)Madhu       c)Neena     d)Salma
6. Who tin flaming play guitar but cannot sing?
a)Salma       b)Madhu       c)Neena     d)Payal

Qualitative Reasoning Worksheet 2

1. 3:27 :: 5: ?
  a) 25        b) 125         c) 25            d) 30

2.  Frequently: Always:: Seldom: ?
   a) always     b) never      c) sometimes       d) something
3. Glucose: Carbohydrate :: Soyabean: ?
   a) Proteins    b) Vitamins       c) Minerals        d) Legumes

4. Import: Export :: Expenditure: ?
    a) Deficit    b) Revenue     c) Debt      d) Tax
5. Origami: Paper :: Ikebana : ?
    a) Trees     b) Theatre       c) Flowers       d) Tapestry

Coding- Decoding

1. If TOM = 48 in addition to DICK = 27, thus HARRY = ?
a) seventy             b) 67                c) l                d) 46

2. In a for sure code SOBER is written equally RNADQ. How LOTUS volition live on written inwards that code?
a) MPUWT    b) KMSTR         c) LMRST         d) KNSTR

3. If the discussion PORTER tin live on coded equally MBNZQN, how volition VOTES live on written inwards the same code?
a) NQMNBZ   b) NQMBNZ      c) NBQMNZ     d) NQBMNZ

4. In a coding system, PEN is written equally NZO in addition to BARK is written equally CTSL, how tin nosotros write PRANK inwards this system?
a) CSTZN     b) NSTOL     c) NTSLO      d) NZTOL

Qualitative Reasoning Worksheet 3


1. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 human being started walking from a scream for towards South. He turned correct at correct angles, thus in i lawsuit to a greater extent than correct at correct angles in addition to thus in i lawsuit to a greater extent than correct at correct angles. In what management was he ultimately walking?
a) West        b) East         c)  South      d) North

2. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 human being is facing West. He turns 45 degrees inwards the clockwise management in addition to thus to a greater extent than or less other 180 degrees inwards the same management in addition to thus 270 degrees inwards the anticlockwise direction. Which management he is facing now?
a) South      b) North-West     c) West    d) South- West

3. Deepa moved a distance of 75 metres towards the North. She thus turned to the left in addition to walking for most 25 metres, turned left in i lawsuit to a greater extent than in addition to walked fourscore metres. Finally, she turned to correct at an angle of 45 degrees. In which management was she moving finally?
a) North- East   b) North- West    c) South   d) South- West


1.Pointing to a photograph a adult woman said, " She is the solely immature lady of my mother's father". How is the adult woman related  to the individual inwards the photograph?
a) Mother    b) Grandmother    c) Daughter    d) cannot move determined

2. Avinash is Ravi's eldest brother. Ravi is younger than Ajay. Ravi in addition to Ajay are non brothers. Which of the next statements is definitely true?
a) Ajay is younger than Avinash   b) Avinash is younger than Ajay    
c) Ajay is younger than Ravi        d) None of these

Qualitative Reasoning Worksheet 4

Complete the Series

1. 1, 1, 4, 8, 9, 27, 16, ?
a) 32             b) 81                 c) 64               d) 256

2. 6, 13, 25, 51, 101, ?
a) 201           b) 202                c) 203              d) 205

3) 198, 194, 185, 169, ?
a) 92             b) 112                c) 136              d) 144

4) 2, 7, 27, 107, 427, ?
a) 1262         b) 1707              c)4027              d) 4207

5) 3, 12, 27, 48, 75, 108, ?
a) 147          b) 162                 c) 183              d) 192

6) 165, 195, 255, 285, 345, ?
a) 375           b) 390                c) 420              d) 435

7) 2, 2, 5, 13, 28, ?
a) 49            b) l                   c) 51                d) 52

8) 24, 60, 120, 210, ?
a) 300           b)420                c) 525               d) 336

Logical Reasoning Consummate The Serial

This worksheet is submitted yesteryear Sahil Ahuja.

More Data On Cbse Psa

For students of classes 9 together with xi (2012-13) every mo shared past times CBSE.

Additional Information inwards relation to bear of Problem Solving Assessment for classes IX together with XI

a) No divide registration for PSA is required. Students already registered for class IX together with XI amongst the Board are eligible for this assay together with volition usage  same registration release for PSA. There is no divide curlicue release required for this purpose.
b) The Board volition brand the inquiry newspaper for PSA available to every school approximately 1 calendar week before the actual engagement of examination. The release of question papers to last sent to whatsoever schoolhouse volition last inwards accordance amongst the total number of students registered for classes IX together with XI.
c) There volition  be a unmarried inquiry newspaper roofing qualitative reasoning, quantitative reasoning together with linguistic communication conventions every mo per the details given inwards the earlier circulars. The OMR respond sail to last used for answering the questions volition last kept within the inquiry newspaper booklet. Sample question paper for PSA volition last made available on Board’s website past times concluding calendar week of November,2012. You may download this textile together with arrive available to all concerned.
d) Similarly, every educatee of class-XI volition transcend away same inquiry paper, irrespective of the dependent plain combination he/she is offering. However, this inquiry newspaper volition be different from the inquiry newspaper used for class-IX.
e) As mentioned inwards the before circulars, the Problem Solving Assessment score will last counted towards 
FA-4 of class-IX.  This same marking volition last reflected in one linguistic communication (English or Hindi), Mathematics, Science together with Social Science. Regular FA-4 volition last conducted inwards the other language.  Since in that place is no FA-4  in class-XI , the students volition last given a divide certificate inwards abide by of  their score obtained inwards PSA. The alternative of 1 linguistic communication for PSA volition last accept jointly  by students together with schoolhouse authorities.  

Sample Newspaper For Cbse Psa Course Of Report Ix Past Times Cbse

Mock Exam Psa Flat 9

Mathematical Puzzle

I accept 2 x litre bottles sum of H2O together with 2 other empty bottles of five together with four litres. I desire to fill upwardly three litres inwards each empty bottles without the assistance of whatever additional container together with without pouring out or wasting a unmarried drib of water. 
How tin I create it?

Number Designing Puzzles

1. If   11x11=4
 then, 44x44=?

2.If   7 - iii = 10124
        six + iii = 3279
        v – two = 763
      xi + two = 92613
 then, 15 - iii =?

Mathematics Website

Problem Solving

Try this one.

Problem Solving

Try this one.

Problem Solving

Try this one.

Problem Solving

Try this one.

Problem Solving

Try this one

Mathematics Inward Architecture Activity

In our schoolhouse nosotros organised an inter House Mathematics Activity contest for students of classes ix together with 10. Four students from each household participated. Each grouping selected ane architecture from the globe which is inspired past times Mathematics ( They explored nearly the selected architecture together with thus created a model of their ain architectures using the Math concept of their selected architecture.

Psa 2013 14

CBSE PSA 2013 14

Problem Solving Assessment for classes IX as well as XI for the academic twelvemonth 2013-14 volition survive held on 18th January, 2014. Salient features of this bear witness volition survive as follows:

·    It volition survive compulsory for all students of classes IX as well as XI.
·         It volition comprise of threescore items of MCQ type as well as volition bear threescore marks.
·         The exam volition survive held from 10.00 AM to 12.00 Noon.
·         There is no specific syllabus for this test. It volition assess life skills related to the next elements:  Language conventions, Qualitative Reasoning as well as Quantitative Reasoning
·         The items volition comprise assessment of 21st Century skills such as Creative Thinking, Decision-making, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving as well as Communication skills that Pb to greater success at higher teaching besides as existent life situations. These items volition survive assessing students’ mightiness to process, translate as well as move data rather than precisely assessing students’ prior dependent area knowledge.
·         The assessment inward linguistic communication volition contain items that volition assess grammar, usage, vocabulary inward context as well as passage-completion.
·         The items volition survive prepared inward Hindi besides as English.
·         PSA score volition survive counted towards FA4 which is 10% of full assessments for class-IX. This score volition survive reflected as inward ane linguistic communication (English or Hindi), Mathematics, Science as well as Social Science. Class-XI students volition survive issued a split certificate for the same.
·         All those students of classes X as well as XII (who appeared inward PSA spell studying inward classes IX as well as XI during the previous session) who wishing to amend inward PSA may survive allowed to produce so.
·         Related data may survive indicated clearly at the fourth dimension of submission of the List of Candidates for 2014 annual examination.
·         There volition survive no split registration for appearing inward PSA.

Class Ix Psa Cbse Newspaper 2012 13

Class Eleven Psa Cbse Newspaper 2012 13

Sample Respond Canvas Psa

Mathematics Fabric For Cast X Past Times Doe

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Double Ninza Star

16 Betoken Ninza Star

Basic Mathematics Exam 1

All the students of Maths Club are required to endeavour this the world test. The exam contains xx questions. After attempting the newspaper create non forget to click the submit button. In representative of whatever query e post service me.

Making Of An Icosahedron Using Newspaper Plates

Students of Mathematics Club @ Planet Infinity KHMS worked inward groups as well as created icosahedron (20 faces 3D regular solid) using newspaper plates.

Bringing The Best To Classroom Using Google Hangout

A Google Hangout session past times Mr. Vijay Krishnan was organised for the students of Mathematics Club at KHMS. Highly passionate nearly the bailiwick Mathematics, Mr. Krishnan is a instructor inwards Romania. He is a proud Indian who shared his cognition amongst students inwards an interesting manner.
What is Mathematics?
Why nosotros written report Mathematics?
Was it discovered or invented?
Interesting Math numbers...
How to score skillful marks inwards Maths?

Paper Handbasket Using Magazine Sheets